Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Survey Results on Movie Industry and Concluding Thoughts

Survey Questions:
Please Circle

Male Female

Answer YES, NO, OR N/A
1) Do you think minorities are accurately portrayed in movies?
2) Do you believe movies favor the idea of white supremacy?
3) Is homosexuality accurately portrayed in movies?
4) Does watching sex scenes in a movie, influence you to have sex?
5) Do you like seeing homosexual behavior in movies?
6) Does watching movies make you feel critical about your self-image?
7) Have you ever seen male abuse in movies?
8) Have you ever identified yourself with a movie character?
9) Have you ever changed your personal beliefs because of a movie?
10) Do you believe movies are racist?


Female: 11
Age Range 15-18

Male Responses/Female Responses
1) 2 yes 6 no 2 n/a 1) 3 yes 6 no 2 n/a
2) 6 yes 3 no 1 n/a 2) 9 yes 1 no 1 n/a
3) 3 yes 6 no 1 n/a 3) 3 yes 8 no 0 n/a
4) 7 yes 3 no 0 n/a 4) 2 yes 5 no 4 n/a
5) 3 yes 4 no 3 n/a 5) 2 yes 7 no 3 n/a
6) 3 yes 5 no 2 n/a 6) 6 yes 4 no 1 n/a
7) 8 yes 1 no 1 n/a 7) 9 yes 1 no 1 n/a
8) 5 yes 5 no 0 n/a 8) 6 yes 4 no 1 n/a
9) 1 yes 7 no 2 n/a 9) 3 yes 7 no 1 n/a
10)4 yes 3 no 3 n/a 10)4 yes 5 no 2 n/a

Findings: This survey was taken at at a local high school in Fullerton. The students were asked to be anonymous and to fold their survey in half when it was completed. I wanted to do younger teens for this survey because my research primarily focused on those age groups. This age group is saturated in the media, and it is who marketing is targeting. This groups watches a lot of television, sine many do not have jobs, so when they come home from school they watch movies on TV. I was interested to see how movies have impacted the life of teenagers over time, and so the questions that I asked seem to surprise them. 12 out of 21 students felt minorities are not equally represented in movies, only 4students felt unsure about this. To my amazement 5 girls said that after watching sex scenes from movies, felt influenced to to this as opposed to 4 girls who avoided the question, and males answered either yes or no. 14 students total felt homosexuality was not being accurately portrayed, but 11 also said they did not like seeing homosexual behavior in movies. These results prove the research study by Jenkins because these students are uncomfortable to incorporate authentic lesbianism on screen. In conclusion, I feel movies have made a huge impact in the lives of many teenagers,and as how this survey proved it, 14 students said movies have not changed their personal beliefs, but then again 14 students said that watching movies have made them feel critical of their self-image, just shows the many uncovered sides of popular culture and its many effects.
[Amarilis Ambriz]

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sex and Gender Depictions on Television Survey Results

Overview of results:

1. Gender
8 females 12 males

2. Age ranges
4 18-19 year olds
3 20-21 year olds
5 22-23 year olds
1 24 year old
1 26 year old
2 28 year olds
1 31 year old
2 in 50s
1 85 year old

3. Average amount of television watched per day:
11 of the 12 men chose A) 1-2 hours
Only 1, the 85 year old, answered B) 2-3 hours
4 females chose A) and 3 chose B), 1 did not answer

All of the findings were very interesting because it is always fascinating to see how people perceive themselves and the world around them, as opposed to what might actually be going on. It is estimated that the average amount of time spent with the television on per day is actually 6 hours 47 minutes per household (www.csun.edu). This is a stark contrast to what people reported. Now, this finding does not actually relay per person consumption, but somebody has to be in charge that television set.

According to another finding in the results is that many people believe that gay and lesbian characters are well represented on network TV. Network TV is channels 2 through 13. 11 respondents checked that they do believe that gays are well represented, 3 put no, and 7 responded 'rarely.' If gay characters are present on storyline on network TV, they re not main characters (at least not since the cancellation of "Will and Grace" in 2005), and they are usually always as an incidental, 'friend' character.

Interestingly, 6 0f the 12 male respondents, have not noticed a surge of violence towards women on cable TV shows, as opposed to network TV shows. 3 of the respondents put 'does not apply,' which leaves only 3 men who have noticed this trend. In my own personal watching of cable TV shows (the fictional ones, not the reality ones), I have noticed that there is a large upsurge of violence towards women and that the violence is more graphic on cable than on network TV. There is an infamous scne from the popular FX show "Rescue Me" where a man is raping his wife. Not only did they show this, but the female character got an orgasm. There was some backlash because of this, but really not a whole lot was said or made of this crude representation of violence against women.

Overall, the results tell a lot about how people view themselves and their society in relation to television, still one of the largest media markets available.

Survey Questions:
1. What gender are you?
2. What is your age?
3. About how many hours of television do you watch per day?
A) 1-2 B) 3-4 C)Over 5
4. Do you think blacks are well represented in Prime Time?
5. Do you think gay and lesbian characters are well represented on network TV?
6. Are women characters often portrayed in positions of power in dramas during Prime Time?
7. Have you noticed a large amount of couples (male and female) that are of two different races/ethnicities on any shows- drama (crime, medical, paranormal, etc.); sitcoms, soap opera, etc?
8. If you watch cable TV shows, have you noticed a surge of violence against women as opposed to shows on network TV?
9. Is sex more explicit on cable TV than on network?
10. Do you think minorities are well represented on television as a whole?

~Hayley Arrington

Friday, December 4, 2009

Survey Results & Conclusion in Music

Total surveys: 23

1. What is your gender?
Females: 16

2. How would you describe your viewpoints?
Liberal: 6
Moderately liberal: 8
Middle of the road: 4
Moderately conservative: 4
Conservative: 0

3. Do you feel women are portrayed negatively in music?
Yes: 19
No: 0
No comment: 0
Neutral: 3

4. Do you feel men are portrayed negatively in music?
Yes: 9
No: 8
No comment: 1
Neutral: 5

5. What types of music do you feel portray sex and gender more negatively?
[Open ended question]
Out of 21 responses, all 21 mentioned rap and/or hip hop. Two mentioned pop along with rap and one answered rock alongside rap.

6. Do you think that portrayals of sex and gender are improving compared to within the last few decades?
[Open ended question]
Somewhat: 2
No: 13
Yes: 6
Answer was irrelevant: 1

*Note: Many of the questions had at least 1 person skip it.

In conclusion, a majority of the people surveyed believe that rap/hip-hop portrayed women and sex/gender in the worst light. Over the years, the majority also believe that these portrayals have not gotten any better. Surprisingly, a lot of people thought music portrayed men in a negative light. I should have probed further to see what this reason was, as it is obvious to why women are seen as portrayed negatively. I believe that music portrays women in a more negative light and is either getting worst or staying at an equally bad level. Even if women are in the spotlight and are making music, they are usually seen as sex symbols since that is what sells.

I would have liked to touch on the fact that the transgendered and gay community is becoming more accepted in some genres, however the amount of questions I already have did not allow for me to survey that. However, since I go to/went to a large amount of indie, hardcore, and pop-punk shows throughout the semester and over the summer, I noticed that these communities are more accepted and it's not as "weird" to see them around. Musical artists such as Jeffree Star drew a large crowd at Warped Tour over the summer, and when she was signing at her tent, it was impossible to walk by because kids were everywhere just trying to meet her. I also noticed that it's alright in these scenes for men to be a lot more feminized. It is alright (and attractive to some) for boys to wear tight pants, have long hair, and be more "emotional," hence the title "emo boys." These communities are still hated on by others who are not involved in the scene, but I believe it is getting better because I noticed that a lot of boys are starting to wear tighter jeans. However, in the bigger picture, I believe that this generation could do much better portraying sex and gender and being more open about it, no matter what it may be.

-Tepthida Tan

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Magazines Survey and Results

1. What is your gender?
10 males
13 females

2. What is your age?
17-33 years old

3. What is your marital status?
18 single
1 engaged
3 married
1 other

4. What is your ethnicity?
12 Hispanic
3 African American
2 White/ Caucasian
2 Asian
4 Other

5. Do you read magazines?
13 yes
10 no

If so, what magazines do you read most often?

Arts Projects
Game informer

Men’s health
Teen Vogue
Elle Girl
Entertainment Weekly
Rolling Stone
Sports illustrated

6. Have you ever compared yourself physically to a model in a magazine?
12 Yes
11 No

7. Do you believe models in magazines can influence the way a person feels about them self?
12 yes
11 no

8. Does the media put pressure on males and females to look like the media images that they advertise?
17 yes
3 no
3 other

9. What do you believe the ideal woman looks like based on magazine advertisements?
thin, tall, good skin, big breasts and booty, fair skinned, and absurdly tall, toned, tan, gorgeous face Skinny, beautiful, pretty much FLAWLESS, Size 2, long healthy hair, no curves, fashionable, Caucasian, fit, flawless light skin, no wrinkles, rail thin pouty lips, big infant eyes.

10. What do you believe the ideal man looks like based on magazine advertisements?
muscular/fit, tall, handsome, ripped body, clean cut, fair skinned, beautiful smile, good looking, buff, dark, athletic build, tall, handsome, Caucasian, tan, muscular, and six-pack abs.

In conclusion, there were 23 people surveyed in total. The majority of the people surveyed were females, single, and Hispanic. The majority of the respondents said that they did read magazines and more people said that they have indeed compared themselves physically to models in magazines. The same amount of respondents believed that models in magazines could influence the way a person feels about themselves. The majority of the respondents said that the media puts pressure on both males and females to look like the media images they advertise. When asked what the ideal woman looks like based on magazine advertisements, the majority of the respondents said that she was tall, skinny, gorgeous, and CAUCASIAN. When asked the same questions about the ideal male based on magazine advertisements the majority of the respondents said that he is tall, muscular, good looking, and CAUCASIAN but with a tan.
There were a few problems with this survey/study which were mainly the questions. Due to the fact that the survey website i used i was only allowed to asked 10 questions limiting the amount of information i could collect. For future studies more questions needed to be asked especially those related to race and sexuality represented in magazines.
For this survey I used non probability sampling, relying on available subjects. Do to the fact that the respondents did not represent the whole college student population, but only those who had a "facebook" or "myspace" we cannot conclude that these findings are what all college students believe.

-[Christina Lopez]

Pop Culture and the Internet Survey

Results from Internet Survey.

1) What is your Gender? (all results accounted)

23 Females
9 Males

Total Responses: 32

2) What is your Ethnicity? (all results accounted)
13 Hispanic
12 Caucasian
2 Asian
1 Mixed, Unspecified
1 Caucasian/Asian
1 Caucasian/Hispanic
1 American

Total Responses: 31

3) What is your Marital Status?

37.5%, 12 individuals

In a Relationship
40.6%, 13 individuals

15.6%, 5 individuals

3.1%, 1 individuals

0.0%, 0 individuals

0.0%, 0 individuals

0.0%, 0 individuals

3.1%, 1 individual

Total responses: 32

4) What is your yearly Household Income?

Under $20,000
41.9%, 13 individuals

$20,000 - $40,000
22.6%, 7 individuals

$40,000 - $60,000
16.1%, 5 individuals

$60,000 - $80,000
6.5%, 2 individuals

$80,000 - $100,000
3.2%, 1 individual

Over $100,000
9.7%, 3 individuals

Total Responses: 31

5) How often do you use the internet in a given week?

I never use the internet
0.0%, 0 individuals

once a week
0.0%, 0 individuals

two to three times per week
9.4%, 3 individuals

four to six times per week
9.4%, 3 individuals

seven to nine times per week
21.9%, 7 individuals

ten or more times per week
59.4%, 19 individuals

Total responses: 32

6) How often do you post on a discussion board or participate in a chat room?

I never participate in discussion boards or chat rooms
56.3%, 18 individuals

Once or twice a week
28.1%, 9 individuals

Three to five times per week
9.4%, 3 individuals

Six to nine times per week
3.1%, 1 individual

Ten or more times per week
3.1%, 1 individual

Total responses: 32

7) What networking site profiles (i.e. facebook, myspace, match.com) do you currently maintain and which do you use most often? (all results accounted)

26 Facebook Users
18 Myspace Users
3 Twitter Users
3 Livejournal users
1 eBlogger User

24 use Facebook most often
6 use Myspace more often
1 uses both Facebook and Myspace equally

Total Responses: 31

8) How often do you visit networking sites within a given week?

I do not use networking sites
9.4%, 3 individuals

once a week
9.4%, 3 individuals

two to three times per week
12.5%, 4 individuals

four to six times per week
21.9%, 7 individuals

seven to nine times per week
18.8%, 6 individuals

ten or more times per week
28.1%, 9 individuals

Total responses: 32

9) How many hours a week do you use the internet for leisure activity (including online video games)?

One hour or less
15.6%, 5 individuals

Two to five hours
40.6%, 13 individuals

Six to ten hours
15.6%, 5 individuals

Eleven to fifteen hours
15.6%, 5 individuals

Sixteen to twenty hours
6.3%, 2 individuals

More than twenty hours
6.3%, 2 individuals

Total responses: 32

10) How often do you use your cell phone or other electronic device other than a personal computer to access the internet?

53.1%, 17 individuals

Once a month or less
12.5%, 4 individuals

Once a week
0.0%, 0 individuals

Two or three times per week
0.0%, 0 individuals

Four or five times per week
9.4%, 3 individuals

Six or seven times per week
12.5%, 4 individuals

12.5%, 4 individuals

Total responses: 32

11) What do you use the internet most for? (all results accounted)

11 Education most often
8 E-mail most often
5 Leisure activities most often
5 Communication most often
1 shopping most often
1 work most often
1 scheduling most often

Total Responses: 32

12) What website(s) do you visit most often? (all results accounted)

24 Social Netoworking Websites
16 Facebook.com
8 Myspace.com

6 Blogging Websites
3 Livejournal.com
2 Twitter.com
1 Tumblr.com

2 Abstain

10 Accredited University Websites

18 Search/Information Portals
9 Google.com
8 Yahoo.com
1 BBC.com

5 Streaming Video Portals
3 Youtube.com
2 Surfthechannel.com
1 Netflix.com

1 Automotive Website
1 RX8Club.com

4 Sports Websites
1 Skysports.com
1 Soccernet.com
1 Dodgers.com
1 Dodgerblues.com

5 News Websites
2 CNN.com
1 Guardian.co.uk
1 NYT.com
1 MSN.com

1 Gaming Website
1 Worldofsolitaire.com

1 Animal Website
1 Kalamazooanimalrescue.com

3 Celebrity News Websites
1 Radaronline.com
1 TMZ.com
1 Thedirty.com

1 Conspiracy Theory Website
1 Abovetopsecret.com

2 University email (umail)

1 Movie Website
1 IMDb.com

1 Internet Radio Website
1 Pandora.com

1 Banking Website

1 Work Website

1 Theater Website
1 Witchesofoz.com

1 Theme Park Website
1 Disneyland.com

13) Have you ever met someone in person that you have met online? If so, how many?

51.6%, 16 individuals

22.6%, 7 individuals

16.1%, 5 individuals

3.2%, 1 individual

0.0%, o individuals

0.0%, 0 individuals

More than five
6.5%, 2 individuals

Total responses: 31

14)Do you or have you had any online romantic relationships or romantic relationships that have started online, and if so, how many?

59.4%, 19 individuals

28.1%, 9 individuals

6.3%, 2 individuals

3.1%, 1 individual

0.0%, 0 individuals

0.0%, 0 individuals

More than five
3.1%, 1 individual

Total responses: 32

15)Have you ever had sex with someone you have met online? If so, how many?

81.3%, 26 individuals

12.5%, 4 individuals

3.1%, 1 individual

0.0%, 0 individuals

0.0%, 0 individuals

0.0%, 0 individuals

More than five
3.1%, 1 individual

Total Responses: 32

Interpretations of results:

The survey was small, only including 32 people. The survey was conducted online and therefore has some bias towards internet users. Those that do not have access to the internet are much less likely to take the survey than those who do. This needs to be taken into account in order to fully understand the results received. The survey website used was helpful, but lacked certain features of test taking. The largest problem I've faced using the website was the inability to see individual results in order to more fully refine the results into different demographics. This posed great problems if we would like to make connections between ethnicity, income, gender, website frequency, and relationship history. The survey was taken by 23 females and 9 males, making it even more difficult as a means of being a typical population of study. This gender imbalance possibly has something to with the audience of the survey, one being that females outnumber men in college. Most of the individuals were either Hispanic or Caucasian, which in some cases could be considered typical for a Southern California population. The household income data shows a definite gap between the lower and upper class, which is typical.

Of the 32 responses given for the frequency of internet use, there were no responses claiming to use the internet less than twice per week. The responses to ten or more times per week was the majority at 59 percent, followed by seven to nine time per week at 22 percent. Two to six times per week shared the same number of responses as both being approx. 9 percent with a combines total of 18 percent of the surveys taken. This question has some bias built into it since the survey was conducted online. The likelihood of someone using the internet once a week is slim if they are willing to participate in a survey at a university that is prone to have internet classes and projects. These answers demonstrate that the majority of internet users access the internet ten or more times a week, which must have great consequences to the pop culture ideas of those involved.

For question 6, 43.7 percent of individuals participated in discussion boards or chat rooms at least once per week, leaving 56.3 percent that do not participate. This data is one of the most interesting gathered. The popularity of interactive conversations online can have a tremendous affect on the pop culture of a community. One of the interesting aspects of popular culture on the internet is the ability to be heard on a subject without having to be a part of a publication. It also gives access to a much wider audience that is able to participate in a conversation. The free flow of thought without censorship in many cases is attractive to the spread of information.

Question 7 was a key to understanding the frequency of social networking sites. With the data collected, we see that there are 26 facebook accounts to 18 myspace accounts. What was interesting about these results was the second answer to the question about which networking site they use most often. Out of 30 people, 24 would use facebook most often compared to only 6 of myspace. This shows that many people maintain both a facebook and a myspace simultaneously, but the preference by far is facebook.

Questions 8 through 10 are concerned with how often the participants use the internet in a given week. Question 8 deals with how often social networking sites are visited. A majority of the surveys indicate that they visit four or more times per week. Question 9 is concerned with how many hours per week the internet is used for leisure activities. The number peaks between 2 to 6 hours per week, tapering off as the number of hours increase. For question 10, the answers set by the question have a problem, which led it to be inconclusive in a way. Instead of writing up the question with an answer of more than seven times per week, I accidentally wrote it with an option of other. With the data collected though, we find that a majority do not use a cell phone or other device, but for those who do, we see that checking the internet in such a way becomes a habit. Questions 11 and 12 set out to answer the question of what do people use the internet most for and what website types are used most often. Education and email are used most often, followed by leisure and communication. The most common websites to be visited are social networking websites such as facebook and myspace. Internet portals such as google and yahoo were ranked second. 51 percent have never met someone in person that they've met online, leaving approx 49 percent that have. Over 40 percent of individuals have had a romantic relationship that has formed online. Approximately 19 percent of individuals have had sex with someone they have met online. This data is one of the most important collected in the study.


The internet is different than anything that has ever been created before. It has had a tremendous impact on the daily life of individuals around the world. A great amount of its impact can be seen in the popular culture of many communities. Myspace, Facebook, and other web communities have already changed the way one stays in contact with their social network. Access to information on music, movies, and celebrities has never been more convenient. Popular streaming web portals such as youtube are even creating celebrities like, "David on Drugs," and, "Leroy Jenkins." The internet also allows for the creation of personal web sites with international access, like Maddox's, "The Best Page in the Universe." Celebrities at the center of pop culture are using Twitter as a gateway to their fans and supporters, most notably Ashton Kutcher and Al Gore. The data gathered about the frequency of visiting networking sites and the content of those networking sites indicate that pop culture and the internet are as tied together as celebrity magazines and celebrities.

Dating has even become common place in the online community and is pushing its way into the mainstream. It is not uncommon today to meet someone off of the internet. As a matter of fact, I've met my girlfriend of five years on the internet. The survey shows that there is an increasing amount of people looking to get in a relationship online. Of the 31 people who answered question 13, 15 said yes to meeting someone in person whom they've met online, which is almost half of all surveys taken. If we consider the answers to question 14 and 15, we can see a pattern. In question 14, we ask if they have had any romantic relationships that have started online. Of the 32 responses, 19 said they have not, where 13 said that they have. Now in comparison to question thirteen, of the 15 people who have met people in person from online, 13 of which claim to have had a romantic relationship online. This shows that out of all people who have met someone, 87% of all cases have been romantic. To meet people online in person, the main incentive is to have a romantic relationship. When we consider question 15, of the 15 people who have met someone in person that they have met online, 6 have has sexual relations with a person they've met online. These three questions demonstrate the frequency of online dating and online hook-ups.

Pop culture is getting more and more wired with each passing day. The use of networking sites by businesses and celebrities has become typical. The use of the internet as a tool of dating has also risen, making it's way into the pop culture scene with websites like Match or eHarmony. The internet has created a pop culture community all in its own, with celebrities, information, and style. Robinson's article considers the third wave of technology coming to light with the implementation of multiple gadgets, notably the iPhone, the Blackberry, and the new flat screen televisions. These gadgets are now being implemented with internet technology, allowing access of the internet almost anywhere in the world, further dominating the time of the population. The use of these gadgets for the internet is further proven as uncommon by question 10 of the survey. Carstarphen's article can also be applied to the questions regarding which internet websites are used most frequently. Facebook and Myspace being the most common in the survey, it shows the vast amount of control over the internet's pop culture those websites have. It would also be wise to consider the amount of ad space utilized in such websites, swaying the population to buy goods and services. There may be a few independent sources on the internet, but these networking sites are controlling fractions the population with it's services. Pop Culture today is in many cases dependent on the internet for it's shape and widespread ideals. We are living in an age where you could live in the outback of Australia and still be able to talk to a person you've never met in France. In developed countries, pop culture is the internet.
-- Joshua Winn